my Business in Romania
To which authorities do I have to report?
EN: The online filing of statements for the Environment Fund Administration is becoming mandatory from 2020. I can either prepare & file them myself, or, much easier, I can appoint a delegate. In this case, a Notary Statement is mandatory. Details here
RO: Depunerea online a declarațiilor pentru Administrația Fondului pentru Mediu devine obligatorie din 2020. Cel mai simplu este prin împuternicit. În acest caz, o declarație notarială este obligatorie. Detalii aici
EN: All Romanian companies must file the Beneficial Owner Form to the Trade Registry. The penalty for non-compliance is from RON 5 000 to RON 10 000. Details here
RO: Toate companiile din România trebuie să depună la Registrul Comerțului o Declarație privind Beneficiarii Reali. Amenda este între 5 000 și 10 000 de lei. Detaill aici
Before I lend money to the company, in the form of a shareholder loan, I will need to designate a person from within the company who will be the point of contact with the Romanian AML/CFT Authority, in charge of Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
What is INTRASTAT, who needs to declare what and until when