How do I get a VAT number for my Business in Romania?

Getting a VAT number has a number of advantages: it will allow me to do cross-border business within the EU, and it will also allow me to claim VAT back from the invoices I receive from Romanian business partners. Let’s analyse together the 5 different cases on how to get the VAT code:

Getting a VAT code together with the start of the company - or anytime below the revenue threshold of 300 000 lei - is called in Romanian “înregistrarea în scopuri de TVA prin opțiune” (=en. Registering for VAT as an option)

⚠️ I have to register for a VAT number in 10 days after I pass the revenue threshold of RON 300 000

my Business in Romania is not registered as a VAT-payer, however I need to do a one-off transaction with a company from the EU. Normally I would need to register my Business in Romania as VAT payer - but here's an alternative: the special VAT code for intra-EU transactions. After getting this special VAT code, I will pay VAT 19% in Romania on the intra-EU transaction, however I will not be registered as a full VAT payer in relation to my transactions with other companies from Romania

This type of VAT code is for companies from outside Romania - which sell in Romania, via distance sales, above the threshold of EUR 25 000 (RON 118 000)

Regaining the VAT code takes longer than getting it in the first place, because the tax inspectors are more alert to potential irregularities, even if the initial loss of the VAT code has just been the result of a missed deadline. Therefore, the best thing to do is to treasure the VAT code once obtained: I must not lose it 😊 If, however, I manage to lose it, getting it back is not impossible: it just involves some additional steps