how to close
my Business in Romania
On the contrary, it can be a very good occasion for a fresh start. As long as it’s properly prepared. Let’s see how it’s done
RO: La deschiderea afacerii pe care doresti sa o creezi, trebuie sa stabilesti de la inceput ce vrei sa faci cu ea: vrei sa o vinzi dupa un anumit numar de ani, vrei sa o pastrezi, sa o dai mai departe in familie? In functie de aceste doua lucruri trebuie sa stii cum iti dezvolti afacerea. Daca doresti sa o vinzi in viitor, o afacere trebuie creata de la inceput pe niste principii sanatoase, pentru ca, in momentul cand vei vinde, vei fi auditat de catre o alta companie - si, in functie de ce va constata, cum ti-ai organizat firma, ce ti-ai inregistrat in contabilitate, vei obtine un pret mai mic sau mai mare
EN: When you are opening the business you want to create, you have to think from the beginning what you want to do with it: do you want to sell it after a certain number of years, do you want to keep it, to move it further into the family? Depending on these two things you need to know how to grow your business. If you want to sell it in the future, a business must be created from the beginning on healthy principles, because when you sell, you will be audited by another company - and depending on what they find, how you organised the company, what you registered in the accounting, you will get a lower or a higher price