📲 get a local mobile number

General information

The country code for Romania is +40. The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications is the first starting point for checking the status of the telecom operators and their coverage, depending on my region of interest in Romania.

I can easily buy a SIM card with a number from any of the street shops present downtown. I will be asked for my ID and to choose between:

  • a prepaid number
  • a subscription

Each of these two options come with their own advantages and disadvantages. Some telecom operators offer fees as low as EUR 5 / month for unlimited voice conversations and unlimited internet. This is a deductible expense for my Business in Romania.

Reasons for getting a Romanian mobile number

Thanks to the EU Roaming Regulation, it is now easier and cheaper to speak internationally, however it’s always a good idea to maintain a local number too, simply to be able to demonstrate stronger links to the country. Having a +40 mobile number also helps making locals more comfortable.

Here is a technical reason too: some of the local banks' IT platforms only work with a Romanian mobile number ⚠️
