my Business in Romania

Fiscal Record Certificate

now available online

The online platform Virtual Private Space (=ro. Spațiul Privat Virtual) of the Tax Agency ANAF is now offering a new function: the Fiscal Record Certificate (=ro. Certificat de Cazier Fiscal)

The SPV is only in Romanian, but getting it this way is very easy:

  1. login to with 2-step authentication
  2. go to Solicitări (=en. Requests)
  3. choose Eliberare documente (=en. Issuing document️s)
  4. choose Certificat de cazier fiscal (=en. Fiscal record)
  5. select the Tax ID number
  6. select the Reason form the drop-down list
  7. click on Trimite cererea (=en. Send request)
  8. go to Mesaje (=en. Messages)
  9. click on Descărcare document (=en. Download document), a blue PDF button
20190925114447_921_25.09.2019-com cazier fiscal prin spv.pdf

Source: Romanian Tax Agency, quoted on 25.09.2019