first accounting steps of my Business in Romania 🏁

As soon as I start the company, a number of important deadlines start to tick

With the company formation documents from the Trade Registry in hand, it is now the time to speak to to the accountant / accounting firm which I have selected. (S)he performs on my behalf a number of steps:

    • hands me the KYC (Know Your Customer) questionnaire, according to the AML/CFT procedures
    • registers my new company at the Tax Agency (=ro. ANAF, Agenția Națională de Administrare Fiscală)
    • purchases the Inspection Register (=ro. Registrul Unic de Control) for my Business in Romania

If I don’t have an Inspection Register within 30 days from opening my Business in Romania, I am liable to fines and penalties

First pieces of inventory

For every piece of inventory which enters the company I need to maintain a quantitative-based and a value-based accounting. I need to make Internal Reception Notes (=ro. NIR, Note Internă de Recepție) - and to use Consumption Ticket (=ro. Bon de Consum).