my Business in Romania
📃 Notarised Power of Attorney for my accountant
The Notarised Power of Attorney empowers my accountant to represent my business in front of the tax agency and to upload my tax statements to the tax agency’s platform, on my behalf. As an advantage, when a business has a service contract with an accounting firm included in the Register of the National Tax Advisors, the tax inspectors’ confidence increases, therefore the company is less likely to be the subject of a tax inspection for the first couple of years. It should normally follow the template below:
Subsemnatul(a), ..........................................., cetatean ............. , cu domiciliul in ........................, posesorul pasaportului / CI seria............, nr........., eliberat de ........................., la data de.............., valabil pana la.............., in calitate de reprezentant legal al societatii ..............................................., CUI ................................., J ................., adresa .................................
imputernicesc prin prezenta pe ..................................., cetatean roman, cu domiciliul in ......................................, CNP ...................................., posesoare a CI seria ........ nr. ......................... / ............................ emisa de catre ..................................., ca in numele si pe contul societatii mandante, sa intocmeasca si sa depuna declaratiile fiscale ale societatii, prevazute in Ordinul ANAF nr. 2520/2010, prin mijloace electronice de transmitere la distanta, utilizand serviciul "Depunere declaratii on-line" existent pe site-ul Ministerului Finantelor Publice, portalul Agentiei Nationale de Administrare Fiscale.
De asemenea, mandatarul(a) este imputernicit(a) ca in numele si pe contul societatii mandante sa depuna si sa semneze cererea pentru utilizarea unui certificat digital calificat (formularul 150) la Administratia Financiara, precum sa acceseze dosarul fiscal al societatii, in conformitate cu prevederile Ordinului A.N.A.F. nr. 2326/2017, privind aprobarea procedurii de accesare a informatiilor cuprinse in dosarul fiscal al contribuabilului.
Totodata, imputernicesc pe mandatarul(a) meu (mea) sa aiba acces la dosarul fiscal S.P.V. (spatiu privat virtual) conform art. 12 alin. 9 si art. 13 din Ordinul Presedintelui ANAF nr. 1090/2022.
Pentru aducerea la indeplinire a prezentului mandat, mandatarul(a) va semna valabil in numele si pe contul societatii mandante in fata oricaror persoane fizice sau juridice, va putea sa faca orice fel de cereri sau declaratii, va depune si ridica orice fel de inscrisuri, inclusiv declaratiile fiscale in format electronic, va semna si depune toate documentele si declaratiile depuse in format electronic, va achita orice fel de taxe, semnatura ei fiind opozabila societatii mandante.
Redactata si editata astazi, data autentificarii prezentului inscris, intr-un singur exemplar, ce a fost retinut in arhiva biroului.
I, the undersigned, ..........................................., citizen ............., domiciled in ........................, holder of passport / ID series ..........., nr ........., issued by ........................., at .............., valid until .............., in my quality of legal representative of the company ..............................................., tax ID ................................., Trade Registry number ................., address ... ............................,
hereby empower ..................................., Romanian citizen, domiciled in .........................................................., CNP ............................................, ID series ......... no. ..................... / ......................... issued by .........................., in the name and on behalf of the company, to prepare and submit the tax returns of the company, listed in the Order of The Romanian National Agency of Tax Administration (ANAF) no. 2520/2010, by electronic means, using the "On-line statement" service available on the website of the Ministry of Public Finance, the portal of ANAF.
Also, the trustee is empowered to sign and file the request for the use of a digital certificate (Form 150), in the name and on behalf of the company, to access the tax profile of the company in accordance with the provisions of the A.N.A.F. Order no. 230/07.03.2013 approving the procedure for accessing the information contained in the taxpayer's tax profile.
At the same time, I mandate my trustee to have access to the tax profile of S.P.V. (virtual private space) according to art. 12 para. 9 and art. 13 of the Order of the ANAF President nr. 1090/2022.
In order to fulfil this mandate, the trustee will sign validly on behalf of the company in front of any natural or legal person, will be able to make any kind of requests or declarations, will file and collect any kind of documents, including tax returns in electronic format, will sign and file all documents and statements filed in electronic format, will pay any taxes, its signature being binding on the company.
Written and edited today, the date of authentication of the present document, in a single original, which was retained in the notary office archive.
Semnatura / signature,
Valid as of 15 July 2022